

Psychic Island

Island Species | Type | BPM | Island Icon | Level Available | Requires | Cost |
Titan (Cruv'laapht) | Magical Island | 130 BPM | Level 9 | Fire Haven | 1,250,000 coins |

Chanson complète
Composé par
Dave Kerr,
Christopher Pollard, Sam Clark (Magical Monsters, Dipsters),
Tom Meikle, Dylan Cole (Whiz-bang, Yelmut, Tiawa, Drummidary)
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1: While the Monsters were waiting for reinforcements to explore more of Fire Frontier, a previously unknown group of beings suddenly appeared on the island's surface. Introducing themselves as Psychic Elementals, they explained that the island itself was actually an enormous entity known as Cruv'laapht. Records indicated that the Titan had moved in to fill the void left by a cosmic island from ancient times that had one day simply blipped out of time and space. Content to harmonize with their new Psychic pals, word was relayed back to the other Monsters to divert their efforts to the continued exploration of the Monster World. Team Psychic for the win!
2: [Fire Frontier] Now that Fire Monsters have reclaimed their rightful place on the surface of the Monster World with the other Monsters, the next logical step is to explore more of that world! Various Fire Elemental-led expeditions have embarked from the safety of the Fire Islands, yearning to fill in the gaps in the map and learn more about what else is out there. This first caravan of explorers is boldly going where no Singing Monster has gone before - the newly-christened Fire Frontier! They're a little short-handed, though - but don't worry! Reinforcements are on the way...


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